Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rock the Vote all the Way to the Left

“Rock the Vote’s mission is to engage and build the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in our country.

Rock the Vote uses music, popular culture and new technologies to engage and incite young people to register and vote in every election. And we give young people the tools to identify, learn about, and take action on the issues that affect their lives, and leverage their power in the political process.

We are creative, effective, and controlled by nobody’s agenda but our own – we tell it like it is and pride ourselves on being a trusted source for information on politics. We empower the 45 million young people in America who want to step up, claim their voice in the political process, and change the way politics is done.” (

Sounds like a good organization, doesn’t it? If one took it at face value (as many people do without a second thought) it would appear to simply be a well-intended outreach for new voters to help them understand the confusing world that they have just entered. They use up to date techniques to keep young people involved and interested. One problem: Everyone has a biased and these people are leaning so far to the left that they should worry about the affectsof gravity taking them to the ground.
Rock the Vote is sponsored by MTV, the popular music channel. MTV is owned by Viacom whose CEO is a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat by the name of Sumner Redstone. With the issues that they support including Health Care, environmental protection, curbing the cost of higher education, and voter education they tend more towards their CEO’s beliefs. They are anything but objective when they have been supported by (a site funded by George Soros [] amongst others) and have ties to the Tides Foundation ( via the Proteus Fund (,People for the American Way (, Campaign for America’s Future (, ACORN (, and many other left-wing organizations.

Before taking the things you see every day at face value, make sure that you research them. Rock the Vote assures their viewers and participants that they are unbiased, but if given half a moment to speak, show their true selves very quickly. Their latest project has been the health care debate, focusing their advertisements in line with the overhaul that Congress has proposed and are about to vote on. (Just a brief warning: there is language in the video).

Young conservatives in America must become more aware of their surroundings and active against them, but nothing can be done if we are not aware of what is happening .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Islamic Mosque to be Opened next to Ground Zero

One would think that after the attacks of September 11, 2001, that Americans would be more wary of what happens on our own soil. I remember that day very well and the many emotions that ran through me: fear, worry, confusion, and finally, anger and the wish to stop at nothing to avenge the innocent men and women that died in the Twin Towers. It has now been eight years and it seems that many have forgotten the range of emotions that ran through each of us that day. According to Chelsea Schilling of WorldNetDaily, ( a new Muslim mosque will open on the doorstep of Ground Zero.

While not all Muslims are responsible for the horrors of 9/11, it is a disgrace to the memory of those that died in the attacks to have a “complete Islamic cultural center, with a mosque, a museum, ‘merchandising options,’ and room for seminars to reconcile religions, ‘to counteract the backlash against Muslims in general’” just down the street from where the attacks by Muslim radicals took place. Also, ironically enough, a Jewish museum for the Holocaust is also just down the way. Political correctness strikes again. Rauf, the Imam of the new mosque that believes that the blame for the civilian attacks should lay on the Christian population, said that was supposed to have the “…opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.” It’s a statement, alright, but I hardly trust it. If the tables had been turned and a group of radicals that claimed to be Christians had attacked civilians in the Middle East and then sympathizers built a church next to the site, the whole world would call for retribution.

So why is it that Christians are always seen as the villains and the Muslim community (especially those that sympathize with the radicals) have been glorified so that they may do no wrong? Why is it that a man like Nidal Hasan can pass through all of the security of Fort Hood to shoot and kill soldiers when he was on watch for radical statements? Because people feared to be seen as being part of the “Muslim backlash” that the left speaks of so often speak of, there were thirteen needless deaths on base before the men and women were to deploy to the Middle East to help protect this country that we live in. Instead of the wariness that should accompany an attack on our own soil the media has made it the politically correct thing to overprotect the Muslim community so that they can do no wrong. Along with those innocent, we seem to be protecting those that are guilty as well, like giving rights to the terrorist and trials in New York City as if they were American citizens.

It’s difficult to look out on our country and see that the “tolerance” of political correctness has turned to submission. We need to learn the difference between kindness towards our fellow man and spinelessness against those that hate us. In an idealistic world the kindness that we show our enemies would win them over into friendship, but this world is far from idealistic and one cannot reason with those that believe that their god has commanded them to kill those that do not believe as they do. Those that open the mosque between Ground Zero and the museum to remember the Jewish Holocaust do so to make a statement, that is one thing that is for sure, but I cannot believe it is for the better.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Fat Studies" program vs. BMI-Req't for Graduation?

The Leadership Institute's Campus Reform blog points to two interesting developments in academia/activism. From a recent San Diego news article the blogger quotes:

"fat studies is an emerging academic field that explores the social and political consequences of being overweight." Its concerns include the negative portrayal of fat people in literature and popular culture; the discrimination against fat people, which "can mask many other forms of prejudice that we already consider to be undesirable"

The blogger next compares it to a separate program at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania:

...students who are deemed too heavy must pass a physical-fitness course.

As part of the university's core curriculum, campus health educators weigh and measure all freshmen during the fall semester, and later calculate each student's body-mass index, or BMI. Those with a BMI above 30, which suggests obesity, must enroll in a one-credit course called "Fitness for Life" before they graduate. Students can satisfy that requirement if they "test out"—by subsequently earning a BMI below 30—or by passing a sports course.

With Democrat sponsorship of identity activism, and the ever-increasing expansion of governmental control over private industry, there's every reason for the conservative to join the libertarian chorus under this administration, if only to strengthen the pull of resistance against the Left's encroachment on individual liberties, as well as their continued attempts to even further divide an already "diverse" nation.

But I have mixed opinions about the comparison.

On the one hand, we have the excesses of a San Diego State University professor forming a "fat studies" program, which we can guess will simply become one more "identity" around which the left will organize an agitated base. Of course, they do this as they downplay helpful categories such as "better than" or "lesser than" in terms of a BMI; this effectively denies obesity should ever be seen as a health concern to begin with.

To me, that is the approach which more resembles that of left-wing LGBT activists: design academic and social programs aimed at engineering a brand new "identity" while lobbying the medical community to strike out homosexuality as a disorder from the DSM-IV--virtually making it impossible to treat one's inability to be attracted to the opposite sex as a disordered state.

On the other hand, we have Lincoln University, which respects the difference between a fabricated "identity" and a genuine health concern--and actually seeks to do something about it. In one sense, the conservative might view this as a victory not just for reason and common sense over political correctness, but as a return to a day and age when schools used to see the student as a whole person, whose physical and spiritual development was every bit as important as the intellectual or vocational. Obviously, this is only a partial step in that direction, but it's a step nonetheless.

So should this return to classical education override individual concern over the role of government? My sense is that the question at least deserves asking; how we respond will, in large part, determine what a conservative America ought to look like.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Silence is not an Option

Back during the summer I drew the sketch of the drawing to the right. The theory behind it was that political correctness today has covered our mouths, making us - Americans - afraid to speak out for our liberties and save them by doing so. I felt (and still feel) that if we continue to allow our mouths to be taped shut and our voices to be silenced by the ever-looming shadow of political correctness that the blood that our forefathers (and for that matter, all of the soldiers currently fighting for us) shed for us will have all been in vain. Furthermore I believe that their blood will be in our hands.

I will keep this brief as, by now, surely anyone reading this blog knows what has happened, but on November 5, 2009, America was again attacked on her own soil. The soldiers and civilians on Fort Hood army base in Texas were attacked by Nidal Malik Hasan who open fired, killing 13 and injuring 31 by the last count that I heard.

By listening to the American media, one might think that Hasan is the real victem here. They would have you think that he suffered from PTSD (even though he'd never actually been in the war) or was bullied by fellow soldiers over his Muslim religion. Nevermind the strong evidence that has come out that he has been attempting to reach terrorists overseas and has been known to speak out violently against the war.

I fear that if we continue to sugarcoat our approach to terrorists (foreign or domestic) that there can be no other outcome than more attacks on our soil. Yes, Hasan is insane. He is as insane as the men that flew into the Twin Towers in 2001, but I didn't hear America crying out in their defense, nor should they have. This man is a terrorist if we say so or not, so we might as well say so and remember that we are fighting a real war with real enemies.

God bless the soldiers in Fort Hood, located elsewhere in the States, and those overseas. Thank you all for your duty to your country and we are forever in your debt.

J.E. Russell

Thursday, October 22, 2009

FIRE to visit campuses in Texas.

Greg Lukianoff of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a gentleman I've come to know and respect. He will be speaking at college campuses throughout Texas on the topic of "Unlearning Liberty."

The interesting thing about FIRE is they've been called "right-wing" by activists on the left because many (though, not all) of this law firm's clients end up being right-leaning libertarians and conservatives. But a moment's research into FIRE's background will tell a different story.

Both Greg and FIRE's Co-Founder, Harvey Silvergate, have worked closely within the ranks of the ACLU, another law firm which conservatives legitimately hold suspect for its avowedly pro-communist roots in its early days. Contemporary observers will more likely know the ACLU for its liberal advocacy on social matters, pornography, and on obscene speech and broadcasting.

Both Harvey and Greg to this day are staunch believers in free speech... to a point traditional conservatives will probably say is to a fault. But unlike the rest of the ACLU, their commitment has led them to fight against left wing oppression too often seen on college campuses nationwide. This is what Hayekian "liberalism" looks like when applied consistently: not just to gays and pornographers, but to beleaguered conservative students on campuses dominated by political correctness; each end up benefiting from FIRE's defense.

This, of course, comes as a welcome relief to students facing unjust punishment from left wing faculty and administrators, but what will this mean for students attending private Baptist institutions, such as Baylor University? My understanding, as Greg intones in the Q&A portion of the linked lecture, is that the first amendment in its fullest expression exists so that private institutions like Baylor can not only exist, but thrive.

That's what students will find out this November 5th. Conservatives may not come to fully agree with liberalism, as construed by 60's style politics; but the kind of liberalism FIRE promotes is one which merits the conservative's careful contemplation.

UPDATE: FIRE maintains a handy database which profiles each university based on their policies regarding speech restrictions. Here is FIRE's dossier on Baylor University.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's My Flag, It's My Right

Freedom of expression. Oh yeah, you have it, if you're expressing the same opinions as everyone else. Sharing the majority opinion isn’t something I’m known for, but I can honestly say I don’t know anyone who thinks we should not be allowed to display the American Flag.

But apparently, somebody does, and now all hell is breaking loose.

First, was a remark made to J.E. that she couldn’t display her flags in her window, and someone in the apartment below removed his. Then she received a phone call saying she had to take it down because nothing was allowed in the windows period. We were disgruntled, but I didn’t think too much of it. Then I saw this:

and this:

So is this just an uncanny coincidence, or a genuine threat to our nation’s flag? I don’t know about you, but I find the whole “everything has to come down”, “sports flags are also not allowed”, and “nothing is allowed on the lockers” too thin an excuse, and I don’t believe in coincidences, especially not when they come in threes.

The fact that these people are facing eviction for these flags is complete un-American. We are allowed to burn flags, wear rude T-shirts, and worse under the First Amendment and yet we can’t fly the flag because “someone might be offended”?

Well, if that someone is going to be so put out by my flag, they can get the hell out of my country! No one complains when my friends from other countries walk around with German flags pinned to their backpacks, or Mexican flags hanging off the rearview mirror of their car. If I’m not allowed to fly my own flag in my own country, what does that say to them?

Now I understand it is one thing to say you can’t have it in the window of your apartment, because it is technically the property of the apartment complex owner. But to say that you can’t have it on your car? Hello! That’s your property. To think that anyone could try and tell me what I can and can’t have on my car, which I paid for, maintain, and value as my own, ultimate personal space, is utterly absurd. The fact this even became an issue is mind boggling to me.

My flag is not in my window or on my car (I don’t believe in stickers, and I have no antenna to fly it on.). I have it on my bedspread. I’ve had that patriotic quilt for seven years, and I can’t help but wonder is someone going to say “You need to put that in the linen closet” and try to evict me when I tell them to take a hike?

Too many people have paid in blood for that flag and what it stands for. It’s bad enough that people are allowed to desecrate it and we can’t protect it, but to deny us the right to respect and cherish, and DISPLAY, our flag at all? Next we’ll be denied our right to sing the national anthem at football games, the Pledge will be banned from schools for reasons other than “Under God”. Soon we will be denied the right to respect and cherish our nation itself.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't Tear Me Down

I was just complaining to J.E. that I wanted to write a post, but I was completely unable to decide what to write about. Then I found my answer. I was too tired to post at the time, so I'm taking my night-off-of-the-week to write this, and can't think of a better way to spend it:

J.E. posted a video on her facebook, which I reposted on mine, about the Mojave Desert War Memorial, and the danger it faces of being taken down. Before I continue, let me explain this memorial is, and why it matters:

The Mohave Desert War Memorial was erected in 1934 by WWI veterans to honor their fallen comrades. The memorial is a simple cross, on a rock, in the middle of the desert. The cross, while a "Christian" symbol, is also a symbol used worldwide for such memorials, with and without religious reasons.

This cross has stood there for 75 years without anybody complaining, until now.

The scoop: On man, who lives in Oregon (the memorial is in California), complained that he didn't believe that the cross should be on government property. Now the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is attempting to tear down the memorial. For the moment, it is covered up, but still standing.

So, plainly speaking, one guy who lives nowhere near this one random cross in the middle of nowhere, makes a stink about it, and now a 75 year old memorial raised by the veterans of one of the greatest and most terrible wars of all time is in danger of being destroyed?

The Supreme Court hearing on this issue started today (Or rather, yesterday, since writing this has taken me past the midnight mark). When did I hear about this? Yesterday (The day before, now.). Naturally, given the unreliability of our public media, I'm not surprised that this is the first I heard of this issue, but it does not make me any the less angry that I was prevented from hearing sooner, so I could speak out and take action sooner.

This memorial stands not only for WWI veterans, but for all who fall in the service of their country. Think nothing of the fact the symbol of the cross can be associated with Christianity. Think for a moment, only of the fact that it is a symbol for fallen veterans. In what way does anyone gain from dishonoring their memory? What message does this send out to soldiers fighting today? If we cannot respect the soldiers of our past, what can they expect in the future? I don't know about you, but after what some of my family and friends have gone through, I expect better from our citizens.

Now you can consider the cross in its Christian context. In our nation, we are supposed to have a wonderful constitutional right called freedom of religion. Yet here we are, wasting time and energy about a single cross? I pass about 3 different crosses every time I drive from school to home, as well as the Israeli flag twice, and nary a complaint from my fellow commuters or myself. If someone decided to fly the Alam al-Shahada from their flagpole, I wouldn’t complain. I see symbols, signs and sayings everywhere, on private and public property, that I may not believe in or agree with, but that’s the glory of this nation-that everyone is supposedly allowed to express their beliefs and opinions without persecution. Sadly, in my own experience, persecution has ever been my companion, a story I may tell later on, because I have to wonder: Who will continue to stand and fight, when they gain nothing but hatred, and how long
before Christians themselves may still stand, but have to be hidden, like the cross in the desert?

Both issues touch close to home for me. I have veterans amongst my family and friends, people who have given their time, their health, their lives, for a greater purpose, and I, frankly speaking, am just plain sick of having to fight for my religious rights in a supposedly free country.


Official Site:

The Video:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the Issue of the New 'Obama Song'

"Where we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers." Barack Hussein Obama

Over the past few months, I have become less exasperated over the outrageous statements from the left. This does not mean that I am any less horrified, insulted, and even angered to a degree by these statements. I am. If I dove into everything with the passion that I feel, I likely would never sleep. That said, there are moments that require one to stop, breathe, and state their opinions.This is, for me, one of those times.

Though I keep myself informed, I am running this way and that so much during the school semester that I often miss very large happenings. It's easy to do, but it makes me wonder how long I've missed this. I tend to catch half of the Glenn Beck show on Fox News after I finish with classes and before I run off to work in the afternoons. In between bites of my pizza roll late lunch/early dinner, the story that he was covering both shocked and horrified me.

My father, jokingly, asked if it brought tears to my eyes because of the wonder of it, and I told him that it did, but only because I'm so frightened for the children. At B. Bernice Elementary school in Burlington, New Jersey, Barack Obama was quite litterally worshiped. The lyrics that were taught to these kids are as follows:

"Mm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


Mmm, mmm, mm

Barack Hussein Obama"

I'd like to break down this song if you'd give me a few moments.

“He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again”

Obama has spent his first eight to nine months in office apologizing for our country. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty proud of the country that my grandfathers fought for. I’m proud of our soldiers who fight now. I’m proud of the strength that we have, that we have had, and that I believe the people of this country will always have. I saw America’s strength in my father’s father until the day he died, and continue to see it in my one remaining grandfather (both verterans of WWII). I saw it at the Hillsboro tea party when a woman stood up and told us about her son that died in Iraq. The pride that she had in her children was clear as she spoke of how her second son had just enlisted. I see the strength in town hall meetings for those that stand up (on either side) to defend what they believe in. Even the woman who sat next to me in my own city's town hall. I will never agree to the atrocities that I believe our government is attempting to commit, but she was there for her beliefs and showing her own American strength.

I suppose the president thinks America isn’t strong anymore because he looks at the spineless fakes that we have elected to office up in Washington DC.

“He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay”

And it’s a stretch to call him a Socialist? Really? Obama has already admitted to believing in the ‘redistribution of wealth,’ which is Socialism. I have had long talks about this with various people that I've come into contact with. Is it ‘fair’ for someone to work hard for their degree, put money into their education, and then for the government to take their hard earned money and give it to someone who has not? Eventually what happens in a system like that is that people simply stop working. More people go onto the government dole than the system can handle and it will collapse.

“He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance”

I’m still trying to wrap my mind around why it is that America is such a horrible place and his majesty Obama has to fix it… Perhaps I’m not as awe struck with him, but I prefer results as to mindless agreement. We (Americans) have been taking a stand. We took that stand in 1775 at Lexington; in 1776 with our declaration to the world that we would not be held down; from 1861-1865 when we finally stood by our own notion that 'all men are created equal'; in 1941 when quite litterally helped to save the world; during the Civil Rights movements; and after the attack on our own soil in 2001. Has Obama and those that write these praises to him forgotten our history? I have not.

“He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight”

This is an attack on our faith. I am not swayed by what Obama has said, this country is based and founded on Judeo-Christian principals and God help me that I do not forget that and that you do not either. To forget one's own history is to open up to many dangers.
Do you remember, like I do, the song we sang in Sunday school so many years ago? “Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” This is an attack on Christianity. These people are putting Obama in the place of Jesus Christ. It may not be as blatant and straight forward as taking prayer out of our schools, but it is there in all of its horror. To take a song for Christ and turn it into praise of a man that holds himself up to be a god sickens me.

I always thought brainwashing was a strong term to use, but perhaps it is not. After all, when you want to rip apart a country’s core foundation and principals, best to start with small children, isn’t it?

Mr. Obama, I say to you that we are a Christian nation, even if there are many others among us. We were built on Christian principals, and our soul is a Christian soul. I say that I trust people like John Adams, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson wholly over you and your leftist agenda. I say that we are a strong, brave people and we are done apologizing and bowing our head to a false god. Much less telling the children of our country that they should.